I took the note from her and gave it a glance.
Dear mom & dad,
Please forgive me. I love Raj and I am going with him. We always intended to get married but i know how much you dislike him and his family. This was last resort. Hope you will forgive us and accept us back one day. Till then good bye
I immediately signaled mom, dad and the Kumars, and asked them to wait for me in the changing room. I explained the entire situation and asked them to calm down. Then I signaled the panditji, gave him a thousand rupee note and some instructions. 5 mins later accompanied by panditji, i addressed the crowd "ladies and gentleman, there has been a slight miscalculation. The rahus and ketus have changed the path and Panditji has adviced us to push the ceremony to a later date. Its rather unfortunate but who can change gods will". Panditji nodded his head in aknowledgement.
After seeing off the crowd I joined the parents. "So what should we do next, call the police?" Mr Kumar asked. "She couldn't have gone far with that rascal Raja. Always knew he was bad company", Mrs Kumar echoed in
"Mr and Mrs. Kumar, you understand she just followed her heart, right? They were in love and were meant to be together."
"So what will you do now?", mom asked
"I don't think I can stay here any lonter. I am a bit shaken. Thats why I resented the entire idea in the first place. I am going to Hong Kong, will chill out for a few days there and then return to work."
" It's all my fault. I should have never pushed you so hard. Go son, I wont stop you today. I know it must be so hard," mom replied.
"Don't you want to change before you leave. How will you even get a ticket so fast", Dad asked, still upset with everything that had been happening around us.
I gave a quick secretive glance towards my watch and replied "It's just fine, will manage somehow".
I hugged them and rushed to the airport. I could still make it on time.
"Sir your Tickets?", asked the flight attendant in the check-in counter. I opened my bag and produced the ticket.
SG IN 3 Dec/10 8AM SST 10AM IST
IN HK 3 Dec/10 3PM IST 10PM HKT
HK SG 6 Dec/10 4AM HKT 7AM SST
"Thanks Sir. Hope you have a great trip"
In a few metres away, a beautiful couple waved at me from the distance. I waved back at them, and with a great sense of satisfaction, I boarded the plane to HK.
It was a perfectly planned, picture perfect ending.
9 years ago
OMG!!! AWESOME story, Rhea! especially THE END... I hope i find some Ajay Subramanium too.. n then mayb i too will hv a 'PERFECT WEDDING' ;)
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