Next day, 5 am
I was late. I had less than an hour to catch the morning flight to Kolkata. Emaan had forgotten to give me a wakeup call. I flagged a taxi and rushed to the airport. If there was no traffic, I thought I could still make it.
I reached 5 mins late but to my surprise, all flights had been delayed due to bad weather. I checked in my baggage and walked over to the executive lounge.
I was delighted that kingfisher had upgraded me to the executive class and the lounge was amazing. I sat down and took out a book that I was trying to finish for weeks now.
That's when I heard a voice, " Hey, I have read this book. The dog dies in the end, the mom is the murderer, the girl marries someone else and lives happily ever after". I looked up sternly to see who it was.
"Spoiler Alert! Thanks for ruining my week long effort", I shot back.
He was a tall and lanky guy, in his mid 20s, short hair, bespectacled, sporting a semi casual attire and a gleaming smile.
"Haha just chill. Sorry for that, I was just kidding. These days, by just looking at the cover, one can guess half the story. You know if I were you, I wouldn't waste my time on 500 pages of uninspiring fiction." , he remarked slyly.
"So what would you waste your time on, mister", by this time I had forgotten the anger and I calmly asked.
"I would rather waste my time talking to pretty young ladies and finding more about the current affairs in India".
"By the way I am Anil and it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss ?", he added. Obviously, I knew he was flirting and his pick up lines were definetly not working here.
" Mrs Arin Banerjee", I replied back with a straight face. I was hoping to see a startled reaction but he kept going.
I am usually not that fond of strangers and on any other day, I would have just ignored him and walked away. But today, I wanted to stay, talk and listen to this complete stranger, who I had just met. I knew in a week's time, things were going to change. Marriage was a good idea, but along with it comes restrictions and formalities. But then just for Emaan, it was well worth it.
"So Anil, what do you really do apart from flirting around with ladies in airports", I asked smiling.
"Woah, me a flirt ? Really? Anyways, I am located in Korea. I was here on an official trip. Now I am flying to Delhi to meet my parents. So that's something about me. So Arin, how long have you been married "
" I guess around 2 years now. We recently celebrated our anniversary", I replied trying to not to give away my fictional marriage.
"Hmm, Arin , If you don't mind, let me tell you what I have deduced about you, with just our 5 mins of chat. Firstly, you are not married, not yet. But very soon, you will be. You graduated from college two years back and you now work for an IT firm. You are most probably meeting someone from your family, Dad and Mom, I guess. And finally, you are learning to play guitar, you love rock, especially punk - Avril Lavigne style."
I listened in awe, as he nailed each and every fact with accuracy.
"That was amazing, Anil. How did you know so much? ", I asked really impressed by the deduction.
"Elementary, my dear Watson. An engagement ring, without a Mangal sutra, blisters on your left hand fingers, mehendi on your hands, the song playing in your iPod, and the fact that 60% of the university students in the country, join one of the big IT firms. That was really simple", Anil replied with a laugh.
Was it how, Rhea managed to find so much about me, I wondered, recalling the incident that had happened the previous day.
"So if we have broken the ice between us, can we start all over again? ", Anil asked and I nodded gently.
"Hi, I am Anil, I work in an investment Bank, recently posted to Korea. Did my schooling in Delhi and my undergrad in Singapore. Mom and Dad live in Noida, and a younger bro who is still in college. Work is long but interesting. Not many friends. Not a big party animal. Single and no plans to get married soon. Live and Fly solo, that's been my motto. And yeah, I love to travel and meet new people in Airports. Phew, That sums up me.", Anil finished reciting his classic "About me" and shook my hands.
"Wow, that was a pile load of stuff. Hmm, about me? Well, I am Arin, did my college in Jaipur, currently working in an IT firm in Bangalore. Strangely, my Mom and Dad also live in Noida, but are currently in Kolkata, planning for the wedding. I have an elder sister, who is married and has a really cute kid. I guess thats it. And yeah, I am getting married in a week's time", I replied introducing myself.
"Great to meet you again, Arin. Now as we are clear, I have something for you", Anil said.
" What is it?", I asked curiously.
Anil passed me the book he was reading.
"This book. I just finished reading it. It is amazing and I bet you will definitely love it", Anil replied passing me the book.
"I can't possibly take it, Anil. I barely know you", I replied.
"I insist, please. Anyways, I can't read a book more than once. It will end up in trash or in recycling bin", Anil said.
"Ok, if you say so. Thanks for it", I replied.
Just then the the airport attendant announced, "Flight AI642 to Delhi, ready for departure. Passengers please board the flight".
"Well, time to bid goodbye Arin. It was fun meeting you. You remind me of a very old friend of mine, who I haven't met for ages now. Anyways, best of luck with the marriage, and have a great life".
I took out my Business card and was about to pass it to him but he gently refused.
"I think we better not. Trust me. You will thank me later.", Anil replied with a smile.
"So will we meet again?", I asked.
"Life is long and the world really small. One day, we will, I promise you", Anil replied.
I thought I just saw a tear trickle down Anil's eyes but he quickly turned back, waved his hands and he was soon gone.
Later, on the flight trip to Kolkata, I kept thinking why Anil refused to exchange our contacts. I opened the book that Anil had passed me. On the last page, there was a hand written message. It read, " Dear Lipi, thanks for all the wonderful memories. Hope you have all the happiness in life. My search has finally ended now, signed An**".
Based on Project Lipi - A mystery
9 years ago
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